Wednesday 2 October 2013

Thoughts on "Work Bitch" by Britney Spears

So the previously leaked new track by Britney Spears entitled "Work Bitch!" seems to now be up on Vevo. I've had a listen and wanted to share and discuss my immediate thoughts on the song.

Britney is singing about how, if you want nice cars and mansions etc, you have to "work bitch" but lacks the understanding of what it is to be poor and without good opportunities. The song essentially rubs unattainable wealth in our faces.

Gee, you know what? I never considered that I had to work for things. Thanks Britney. I was just so blindingly oblivious to the idea that I had to work for things in life. Thank for for reminding me that some work will magically somehow get me a mansion and an expensive car.

Oh wait... It doesn't quite work like that. Thanks for rubbing it in anyway though.
Not all of us wake up wealthy or get paid to sit on a judging panel or sing a few songs and become stinking rich. Most of us do work. Most of us work our whole damn lives but we'll never have the mansion or the expensive car but isn't it great to sing along and pretend for a moment like it's a possibility?

Nope. It's acid on the wound and a kick to the crotch kind of song.

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