Saturday 19 October 2013

31 Horror Films in 31 Days Challenge, Film Thirteen: The House on Haunted Hill (1999)

This is yet another blog-along post where I'll be blogging along as I watch another horror film as part of the 31 Horror Films in 31 Days challenge.
 Warning: Since I'm blogging my thoughts whilst watching the film THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.

These are raw blog posts. I start and I write until I finish without any editing afterwards. I just post the raw thoughts from the film as they occur. I enter this film with absolutely no prior knowledge. Enjoy, 

Is that James Marsters behind the camera?
Goodness doesn't Geoffrey Rush look dashing here...Look at that moustache! Oh Geoffrey Rush, what a mean prank, you devil!

God, it's been so long since I went on a rollercoaster. Uh oh... shit just got really Final Destination.

Hey... the guy who came and told Geoffrey Rush's character about the problem with the roller-coaster... didn't he play Andrew in Buffy? Does this film feature two Buffy alums?

Marilyn Manson casually playing in the background...

Huh. Ghosts that can use computers and Microsoft word?

And Taye Diggs. Taye Diggs is wonderful.

Oh God... it even features the woman from the Final Destination films, Ali Larter.

I'm suddenly having deja vu like I've seen this film before... I think I caught the end of it as the house looks familiar.

Jean Grey almost died.

If someone hinted that staying in a creepy house could possibly mean I wasn't alive at sunrise I wouldn't do it regardless of how much money I was offered. I suppose this is the joy of being a social introvert; if I got an invitation to a strange party I'd politely ignore it.

Geoffrey Rush is paricularly good at playing kooky bad guys and suddenly I want to watch the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Why oh why was James Marsters killed off at the very beginning? I would've appreciated some more of him.

It's good... nice, sow build up as they explore the old asylum building.

So the malevolent spirit in the house is called The Darkness?
I'm sorry but all I think of is ...

OK so right now there's a scene where they're all moving around doing things and one guy is in a corridor with loads of doors and a flashlight with cheesy music in the background. It's all very Scooby Doo and I'm loving it. It kinda makes light of the situation after we've just, you know, seen a guy with his face and head entirely hollowed out. Maybe Geoffrey Rush's character wish he'd just thrown a nice cocktail party instead...

OK so Eddie and Sara, the two potential love interests, escaped with their lives and the cheques for everyone who was inside the house. So roughy $5million. That said I'm sure quite a bit of it would have to be spent on therapy from the crazy ass night they just had.

Worst. Party. Ever.

In truth, I wasn't particularly scared by the film at all but it was decent enough.

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