Thursday 31 October 2013

31 Horror Films in 31 Days Challenge: Film Thirty One: Jack Frost (1997)

I managed to complete this despite taking a laptop-free trip to Yorkshire and being without power and internet after the storm. I'm pretty darn proud with myself. I've decided, for my final film, to watch something that just sounds abominable. I enter this film with absolutely no previous knowledge of it. In fact I'd never heard of it until about an hour ago. The film is called Jack Frost and it apparently follows a giant, murderous snowman. I mean... this feels so funny to watch for Halloween as someone who gets annoyed when people don't wait for Halloween to come and go before advertising Christmas stuff.

OK, the child voice at the start is creepy as Hell. You know that isn't a child and it sounds like this could be the start of a film for children and you know it's gonna get grim. The narrator is the worst relative/guardian ever.

I like that the opening credits are made up of the names of the cast and crew painted onto Christmas decorations on the tree.

With this film I didn't even really have the energy or the patience to blog along. So here are my rough thoughts on the film. I can't believe this movie was made. This film features anatomically incorrect deaths and inappropriate sexual violence. It's a low budget mess of a film. Everything about it feels like a perversion of the most positive aspects of Christmas. It tries to create comedy from the unlikely killer and the strange Christmas themed deaths but is all in very poor taste. It's almost too ridiculous to be scary. There's nothing clever or classy about it.

Time to go enjoy Halloween knowing I've finished the challenge, booyah!

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