Sunday 27 October 2013

31 Horror Films in 31 Days Challenge, Film Seventeen: Final Destination 4/The Final Destination (2009)

This is yet another blog-along post where I'll be blogging along as I watch another horror film as part of the 31 Horror Films in 31 Days challenge.

Warning: Since I'm blogging my thoughts whilst watching the film THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.

These are raw blog posts. I start and I write until I finish without any editing afterwards. I just post the raw thoughts from the film as they occur. I enter this film with absolutely no prior knowledge. Enjoy, 

I've seen the previous three films but not this one. It's rare to watch a film that's part of a "quadrilogy" and even more rare for the films to not get stale as they go on. Let's see how this one pans out...

Woah, I just opened up the DVD box and it comes with the blue and red 3D glasses and you can watch the film in 3D. I'm going to stick with 2D for now because it's late and I'm already tired so if I strain my eyes by watching it in 3D I'll just want to fall asleep. I actually got all four films as part of a boxset for Christmas a few years back. I've seen the first three films.

Ha! Have you ever watched a horror film and something typical of the horror genre happens to you?
I thought "Heh, I'll go to the bathroom before I put this movie on. I left my room and all the lights on the landing were off so I went to turn a light on and it went on for less than a second and the bulb died and everything was plunged back into darkness and I was standing on the landing without the ability to see what was around me. All I could think was "in a zombie film this would be where I met my demise" since I just watched 28 Weeks Later.

I'm watching the trailers right now and they have a trailer for the film "The Fourth Kind" and I only have two things to say about this movie: first of all, this is the most frustrating film because at no point in the film do you actually get to see the alien so it is a real pain. Secondly, the only unsettling thing about this film is the face of the woman who is or is playing Doctor Abigail Tyler. Not Mila Jovovich, the other one. She just has a really creepy face. She looks more like an alien than anything else. It is probably the most boring and simultaneously frustrating alien film I've ever seen.

Finally the film has started. Ugh. Do I even want to watch this? I mean I've seen the first three Final Destination films. Is this one really going to be so different from the others? Removing the 3D aspects means I'm judging the film solely on the content and not any fancy effects. Let me guess. The Final Destination vision this time will be a race course crash. Bored already.

I'm not sure if human bodies are as squishy as some horror films like this would have you believe. These films are kinda just an excuse to kill off the same characters twice but in two, gory ways. "Hey, you liked in when we killed that guy? Now watch him be killed again."

"That's a lot of tampons for one woman",
Dude, you don't even know.

Too tired and disinterested to even blog along that much, dudes. I mean once you've seen a Final Destination film you've seen them all. Even the "slight twists" on them like the red herrings in this film leading the people to be where they need to be for Death to kill them isn't eactly groundbreaking enough to make this film stand out. 

Oh my God. This cinema scene... I've seen this before. How can I have seen so many horror films and not know about it? This is what I get for channel flicking...

This film is kinda just a rehash of the films that came before it with nothing new or exciting to make it worth the watch. There's really no reason for this film to be in existence as it brings nothing new to the film franchise. A truly tedious flick. This film just seems like a cynical cash grab with 3D thrown in as a last minute gimmick to pull in an audience and some quick dollars.

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