Friday 15 March 2013

Writer Problems #3: Creativity, Thou Art A Cruel Mistress!

One of my problems as a writer was that when I was younger I would always want to write, but I'd never know what to say when I had a pen in my hand or a computer before me. I would find myself struck down with the worst case of writers block.

Similarly I also had moments where I knew what to write in certain places, but there were large plotholes in my mind and I couldn't fathom them, or I wasn't excited enough about a story to write it.

However, as soon as I have a dissertation to finish/edit I suddenly have all the ideas for books and characters and all I want to do is spin beautiful fiction and get my ideas out, and writing down some notes turns into writing the first chapter and so essentially what I am saying is I have spent the past half hour not doing what I was supposed to.

Novel, go away. I'm busy with work. Come back and play next weekend and we can be best friends, I swear.

Creativity, thou art a cruel mistress.

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