Friday 15 March 2013

Self Care

I think it's very important to care for yourself whilst you are still young. It sounds like a boring, unpopular opinion but it makes a lot of sense.
I find myself almost obsessed with my pre-bedtime routine of cleansing and moisturising my face and since doing so the quality of my sin has been a lot better. In the past 6 months I've drastically altered my entire diet; in some ways this is for ethical reasons, but it is also for certain health reasons. It'll help me avoid certain illnesses, complications and cancers in later life. I'm trying to get back into meditation so as to remain calm and find zen and inner strength.

It may sound a bit crazy. Sixteen year old me would probably think it was totally lame.

I suppose I felt really odd earlier when a girl responded to a post I'd made on a forum earlier about healthy lifestyles. I wanted to steer conversation somewhere sensible so the talk wasn't just about teenage nonsense. A girl commented saying things like how it was admirable that I was taking such interests at 'such a young age'. I was 8 years older than her but, whatever.

I suppose one of the reasons I'm really trying to focus on my health now is because I know that it will be much harder later. The older you are, the harder it becomes to lose weight. Old mistakes have long running consequences.

I try my best to not let my skin get sun damaged. I've given up coffee and meat. Soon I'll be getting back into swimming and regular exercise whilst also taking up weightlifting so that I can be physically stronger. I'm paying attention to the ways in which my body works so that I can provide it with nutrients that create more energy so it can run efficiently and in a healthy manner. Though I'm starting to wish I cared for myself sooner in life, I'm glad I have a better awareness of myself now. Becoming a pescetarian has really helped. I feel different. I feel better, like my body is running more smoothly. I've lost weight simply by cutting things like meat, butter and milk from my diets (I do drink milk sometimes, but I'm really into almond/hazelnut/soy milk right now)
Instead of buying lots of bottles of fizzy drinks I've been drinking a lot more unpasteurized pomegranate juice in recent months which, again, I've felt the benefits of. Also drinking more water, sometimes with a slice of lemon in it, helps. I've started taking off my make up at the end of the day instead of sleeping in it and waking to notice I look like a raccoon. I've replaced coffee with green tea, also with a slice of lemon for flavouring. In terms of my personal physical health I feel better than before. It's not a weight thing, it's feeling the response of my body resonate through me. Oh yeah, sixteen year old me would definitely think that last sentence was lame. After cutting out meat and improving my diet and simply taking care of my skin, my hair, my teeth etc. I felt more beautiful than ever before even though my physical appearance hadn't changed. I felt less sluggish and weighed down by previous unhealthy habits.

I suppose all I'm saying is that if you're reading this it's not too late for you to make changes in life to change the way yo live and to boost your health. I urge you to focus on yourself and your personal health now so that you can retain as much energy and youth as possible as you go on in life. Now is as good a time as any to question what you want from life and what you yourself can do to achieve it starting with your own body.
Take care of yourself because you're worth that care.

Click here to go to Kimberly Snyder's blog - she changed the way I see food entirely.

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