Friday 15 March 2013


I'm officially declaring it now.
This year, for the first time in my life, I am going to be taking part in NaNoWriMo.
What is NaNoWriMo?
I'm glad you asked, imaginary blog-ghost possessing me and typing through my hands.

It stands for National Novel Writing Month. From the 1st until the 30th of November the aim is to write/finish an entire novel and thousand of people get involved. It's something I've always wanted to do but never previously had the time for.

I have a lot of difficulty reading and an equal difficulty reading... so why I decided to do a degree in English Literature (which includes a buttload of reading) combined with Creative Writing (which obviously contains a buttload of writing) I really don't know.
I'm probably going to start writing before November for this reason and use November to really work through the whole thing.
I'll spend the month writing, editing and starting to plan where to send my novel.
Yes, I know what I'm going to write - I've even started the novel, the first and last lines are in place. I'm really excited about writing it and I'm hoping one day people will be excited about reading it.

Beforehand, my problem with writing was that I would have loads of ideas and never know where to go with them like holding the ends of a dozen strings, not knowing where any lead or which to follow.
Thankfully I have two novels that I have planned and the one I've chosen to work on is going to need a lot of self reflection and research. The two I have chosen out are both very promising ideas, both dramas, and I know where they go from start to finish which is a first for me. Maybe if I have time I could write both novels by the end of the year, all I know is that by the end of 2013 I want to be able to say with pride that I have written a book/novel. I'm also going to work towards putting together a book of my own poetry soon and seeking publication for it.
This will be the year that I really start to get down to work and start trying to really get serious about my writing goals. I mean I'll have written a dissertation, the longest solid document I've ever written, a novel is clearly the next stage right?

Dear Readers,
Are you getting involved in NaNoWriMo?
Are you trying to get work published?
If so, please let me know in the comments because we have the same feels, bro.

Click Here to go to the NaNoWriMo website!

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