Saturday 23 November 2013

The Business of Bodily Insecurity.

On top of all the bizarre cosmetic surgeries in existence I've just seen an ad for toe shortening surgery.
Stop selling new insecurities. 

It seems sad that people seem to be resorting to new ways of making people feel that their bodies are inferior or anything less than beautiful to sell unnecessary surgical procedures. I can't wait to grow older. I greeted the beginnings of a wrinkle on my forehead with excitement because, if anything, it means I make a lot of expressions in my face from laughing and smiling wide. I want to grow old with grace and comfort in my own body but constantly being told that your body is anything less than perfect and functional when it comes to trivial and unimportant things is arbitrary. If it's a surgical procedure for something that will ease pain or improve your health, then sure.
Are we really officially now being made to feel ugly from head to toe?

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