Thursday 7 November 2013

Love Is Respect: How To See The Signs of an Abusive Relationship and How To Get Out + Important Links and Info

Across the world, there are many people who find themselves trapped in abusive relationships. Abuse manifests in many forms: emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse. If you or someone you know is suffering abuse then you don't have to sit back and accept it.
Below are some helpful links to arm you with information about how to cope with your situation and how to get out of it. Remember: abuse isn't just physical and if you're being abused in any way it is not your fault and you don't deserve it.

Love should be built on a foundation of respect and if your partner isn't respecting you and your boundaries that should be setting off alarm bells for you.

  • - a general hub of information about abuse 
  • Here is a post about Digital Abuse: this is a post for anyone experiencing abuse online or via texts.  If someone is using texts or the internet to cyberbully, stalk, intimidate or harass you and you feel hurt or unsafe here is further information on how to deal with this kind of abuse. Here's further information about reporting cyberbullying and online harassment.
  • Here is further information on emotional and verbal abuse. Yes, emotional abuse is real abuse because it's intending to cause hurt and can be extremely damaging to your mental health. Talk to someone you trust about the abuse you're facing and consider your options. If you don't feel confident or safe enough to confront your partner on their abusive ways then consider creating a safe exit plan. You do not need toxic people in your life as they're causing you more damage than good. I can honestly tell you that it's not worth staying with someone who brings you down just so you can enjoy the "good days" you have together. In a relationship, you deserve every day to be a good day. 
  • Here is a post with information of Financial Abuse. If your partner or someone in your life is controlling your finances and your earnings then this is extremely controlling behaviour. You have a right to the money you earn. If you're being financially controlled then your boundaries are not being respected. This isn't a form of abuse that's discussed as often but it does exist.
  • [TW] Here is further information on Physical Abuse and here is information about sexual abuse. This is a form of abuse that we're most familiar with. Physical and sexual abuse are the most extreme forms of abuse and it's often incredibly difficult to cope with. Many victims begin to internalise the blame for these instances of abuse but if you are being abused in any way you must understand that you are the victim. You have to be incredibly careful. Talk to a friend or family member you trust and create a safe exit plan: think of leaving your home, office or wherever it is you're experiencing abuse and consider getting a restraining order against you and the person that is abusing you. Do not accept or make excuses for the abuse you're being exposed to. The person abusing you needs to be brought to justice and held accountable for their acts before their abuse leads to incredibly serious injuries or even manslaughter. This is why it's so important to get out of any abusive relationship as soon as possible and to remember that if you're receiving any abuse it is never your fault. If you live in the UK, as many of my readers do, here's where you can report physical abuse. Remember, there's nothing shameful in admitting to abuse if you are male receiving physical or sexual abuse, you can always call The Men's Advice Line to discuss your experiences and come up with a safe exit plan. There is a similar organisation for LGBT Domestic Violence. Contact your local neighbourhood policing team as soon as you can if you feel you're in any danger. If you're in immediate danger, call 999.

I'll be posting more posts like this that aim to help people dealing with difficult circumstances. The aim is to provide you with the tools to help yourself out of these hard times because so often people are scared to speak up. Please pass this blog post on to anyone who you feel needs to read it. Arm yourselves with information and know you're never in the wrong for reporting abuse. You shouldn't ever feel guilty for speaking out about your experiences. Take care of yourselves and take care of each other. 

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