Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Huffington Post

It is with joy, gratitude and much excitement that I announce I now have been given the opportunity to blog for The Huffington Post UK.  It's different from being a journalist, I do this without any pay or specific benefits, but I'm glad to be able to work alongside such a prestigious website.

This is something I wouldn't even have considered were it not for this blog and the success I've had here. I also would not have considered this without you, the readers taht so regularly stop by. I'll still be blogging here and hopefully just as frequently. I'm currently in my last two weeks of university - and to think I started blogging a month ago and the end seemed so far away.

I'll be a little quieter over the next few weeks as I finish my final three pieces of university work and then I'm all yours. Expect lots of reviews and articles from May onwards. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it. Once I have posted something on the Huffington Post blog I'll post a link here.

Thank you, dear blog-ghosts*, for taking the time to read my ramblings. If there are topics you'd like me to try to cover or discuss, let me know. If you would like me to interview you here, let me know. If you have an album/book/work you'd like me to review here, let me know.

*blog-ghost (noun) a viewer of the Welcome to the Birdcage blog.

Also welcome to the new viewers/blog-ghosts from Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland.

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