Sunday 21 April 2013

My take on Gisele Scanlon's "The Goddess Experience"

In 2011 I went through a real slump. I was very depressed and couldn't move much beyond that state.
During this time I noticed a book called The Goddess Experience, a book which was said to list things to make you happy and feel like a Goddess. I decided to buy the book which I then took home and read. It was interesting, certainly a beautiful book, but I found a lot of things in here weren't for me.
I've never been the kind of girl to care about handbag maintenance and I can hardly afford to just jet off to Paris on a whim.

What I did like about the book was the notion of 'micro-pleasures', the small things in our daily lives that can bring personal joy. In the film Amelie our titular protagonist often discusses the various micro-pleasures of the characters, one of hers I share. Pictured below she speaks of the micro-pleasure of dipping your hand into a bag of grain.

So I shall share some of my micro-pleasures with you all...

  • Popping bubblewrap
  • Cracking the top of a creme brulee. This is another suggestion I found in the film Amelie, however I think I enjoy cracking the top more than I enjoy actually eating the creme brulee itself. 
  • Treating myself to something from Amazon every now and then. I keep a wish list for myself and like to treat myself once a month - especially if an item suddenly goes down in price. I've managed to get many books around £3 on Amazon. There's always a sense of excitement when you're then waiting for a little brown Amazon parcel to arrive at your doorstep
  • Holding a warm cup of tea in my hands and feeling it warm my skin
  • Reading the page of a new book; ahh, uncharted territory...
  • Curling up on the sofa with a cat or even sleeping with a cat by your side. There's no sweeter lullaby than the subtle sound of purring.
  • Standing in the rain a little while without worrying about it ruining your hair/makeup. There's something relaxing about the sensation like a momentary feeling of invincibility. 
  • Cracking the ice that settles on the tops of ponds or outdoor liquid surfaces when it's cold.
  • The first pint of cider of summer. Like the sharp taste of liquid sunshine...
  • Taking bottles down to the bottle bank for recycling where you can throw them into the big containers. Not only are you recycling and therefore doing some good, but it seems curative to smash things loudly without causing any harm or damage.
  • Clutching a bundle of clothing fresh out of the dryer up against my body to absorb the warmth. 
  • Pulling my hair up out of my face into a messy bun before reading/working. It's that small ritual that says 'Ok, I'm ready to focus now'

'The Goddess Experience' is definitely a great book with a lot of wonderful suggestions and ideas, I really suggest you check it out if you're looking for micro-pleasures of your own. It really did remind me to try and really focus on the small pleasures that life brings. Over time these micro-pleasures can build up and alleviate your mood.

What are some of YOUR micro-pleasures?
Let me know in the comments section below...

The Goddess Experience on

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