Tuesday 9 April 2013

Adora Batbrat: Anorexia as desirable?

Alternative model Adora Batbrat has just posted a new video online. Having previously been known for makeup tutorials and her quirky personality, Adora has been long seen as an aspirational image of beauty for many within the Goth scene. Her video, entitled "Anorexia skinny with food - part 1, teaser" is a video that probably concerns her dietary preference of following the "Montignac Method" but instead seems to unabashedly glorify eating disorders. The video, which starts with the words "I like to look anorexic" then justifies this approach by adding "without being it", othering anorexics by referring to them and the disorder simply as "it" and suggesting the look is desirable but the practice is not. This then potentially alienates and shames those suffering from eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorder. She speaks to mothers in the video assuming their daughters might have the desire to be thin completely ignoring the notion that bodily views and disorders occur regardless of age. She refers to "food" as "The 'f' word" as if basic bodily nutrition is something to be seen as offensive or shameful.

As a pescetarian I too follow a specific dietary regime, but it's one that works for me and I'd never try to push it on someone, especially not by using imagery from damaging mental disorders with major physical repercussions. This video just seems egotistical and reckless and offensive to those trying to overcome eating disorders.

(Here you'll see the video in question, uploaded here)

Readers, truthfully it's none of my business when it comes to your body and nutrition. That said all I'll ask is that you always remember to care for yourself and provide yourself with decent nutrition always. There is nothing glamorous about purposely depriving and therefore damaging your body, you're worth much more than that.

1 comment:

  1. Its obvious she wasn't trying to be offensive. Its encouraged to find any tiny thing that can be contrived as offensive in America. I understand that fad but she can be herself and that's ok. Get over it hater.
