Sunday 28 April 2013


Most of us find inspiration for writing in our dreams. In fact that seems to be where I get most of my ideas.

When I was younger my nightmares were so bad that my mother once bought me a dream catcher that still hangs in my bedroom.

In fact last night I dreamt that I'd fallen out with a friend of mine. I can't quite recall what we argued about in the dream but I woke up questioning if it had happened or not for a few minutes. I almost called her up to discuss the matter before realising that none of it actually happened.

What was the last dream YOU had?
Do you ever write down your dreams?
What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?
Let me know in the comments section below.


  1. I once dreamt that I ate my friend's pet rabbit. Not great...

    1. Oh Julia...Did your friend forgive you in the dream? Did they know?
