Friday 17 May 2013

Happy FriGay

George Takei, overlord of internet awesomeness, is at it again. George Takei recently responded to some individual responses in favour of 'traditional' marriage at a recent protest. Now, of course, the comment section below it is full of stupid, but that's not my point. Takei so wittily pokes fun at their assumptions of marriage. Some of the arguments are cliché or pretty weak. I'm super hired of hearing "it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

So I can't marry my long term partner because of a religion I'm not entirely sure I follow and utterly outdated cliché phrases? Gee, that's ace.

It takes a king and a queen to make a princess? Well isn't it splendid that we aren't part of the monarchy.

God 'created us that way'? What way? Naked and surrounded by vagina? Believe me, there are a lot of lesbians who are with you on that one.

'Traditional marriage' is traditional because change has not previously been allowed. Change would widen that notion of 'traditional marriage' to make it inclusive of all love regardless of gender or gender identity. Marriage is an evolving institution. To argue that marriage is solely about procreation ignores all the legal rights and responsibilities and their importance. These are significant rights that all loving couples show have access to. Using outdated cliché statements and sweeping generalisations to marginalise and belittle the loving relationships of thousands and millions of people out there who love in a way that society deems deviant and somehow less because of theological and ideological notions that stem mainly from religions that not everyone follows. This is a huge, problematic and ongoing debate. What's important here is love. The legitimacy or parental ability of two people should not be questioned based on gender. Gay marriage is making leaps and bounds at the moment and I hope it continues to do so.

Until then I hope people keep fighting and educating.

Here are the images that remind us why Takei is al kinds of awesome:

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