Welcome to 2014.
I hope that you had a safe New Years Eve last night and that you turned in the new year surrounded by people you love or somewhere you were happy.
Time to get a little serious.
It's a new year and this is the time where we're all likely to sit down and think of what we want for the year. In doing this we often set ourselves goals and think of what we really want to achieve: we come up with New Years Resolutions. I never used to bother with making New Years Resolutions but last year I did and it was actually extraordinarily refreshing. It gave me goals to consider and keep to.
Below is a list of the most popular list of New Year's Resolutions for the year 2013. Were any of these yours? What will you try to achieve in 2014?
Read the list of New Year's resolutions below:
1. Read more books
2. Save more money
3. Lose weight
4. Redecorate
5. Take better photos
6. Go travelling
7. Sell old unwanted stuff on eBay
8. Buy a tablet
9. Organise photos
10. Do something for charity
11. Spend more time with kids
12. Buy a Sunday paper
13. Less TV time
14. Connect my computer to my TV
15. Leave work on time more often
16. Less time on Facebook
17. Totally revamp my wardrobe
18. Try a new hairstyle
19. Get a six-pack
20. Eat less chocolate
21. Socialise more in real life rather than Facebook
22. Drink less alcohol
23. Buy less coffee from Starbucks/big chains
24. Start my own business
25. Tell someone I have feelings for them
26. Quit smoking
27. Gain a promotion
28. Learn how to use Twitter
29. Run a half or full marathon
30. Call people more than text
31. Cut someone out of my life who isn't good for me
32. Meet online contacts in real life
33. Watch less reality TV
34. Text people less
35. Try to save relationship
36. Try extreme sports
37. Get better at social networking
38. Stop contacting/going back to an ex-partner
39. Have a face-to-face with my boss to find out where I stand
40. Do a bungee jump
Which one of these could you afford to try for 2014?
I've put the ones I hope to achieve in bold. I want to read more books (see my 2014 reading challenge post) and I want to continue saving up. I want to lose a little more weight and just generally tone my body and get a little more muscular. I want to do some work for charity. I may try to sell some old stuff on eBay and I'm happy to "re-vamp" the wardrobe by adding some cool new items and doing some more interesting things with my clothes. Recently I think I've dressed more for comfort since being in my final year of university. It's time to dress up again fabulously. What are your resolutions?
Let me know in the comments section below or tweet me your resolutions using the hashtag #nyr2014
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