Here's a little bit of information on the topic of drunk driving:
• One person is killed every half-hour due to drunk driving
• Each year approximately 16,000 are killed in alcohol related crashes
• Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities
For more facts about drinking and driving, click here.
Of course, Justin has a whole army of people who seem to support him regardless of what he does, no matter how stupid.
I've just been onto Twitter and one of the trends is #FreeJustinBieber.
Out of curiosity I looked through them and came across some skull cracking tweets such as:
if my baby said he did nothing wrong he didn't do nothing wrong he was just having fun like every teenager does #freejustinbieber
#FreeJustinBieber #StayStrongJustin Real beliebers will retweet this for Justin. We are a family. We have to stick together for him.
My baby Justin Bieber was arrested ): #freejustinbieber I'll be making a #FreeBieber shirt today
Still here, still supporting, still loving, i cannot be mad with my inspiration, ily bieber #FreeJustinBieber
Don't make fun of him he's someone's idol have respect #FreeJustinBieber
Omfg i dont know what I would do with out him in my life come on #FreeJustinBieber #FreeJustinBieber
#FreeJustinBieber this man is a modern day Nelson Mandela
Let's just think about this for a second.
Justin Bieber was caught drunk driving and yet his fans are not applying enough rational thought to even consider the fact that he could have killed someone. Finally he has been arrested for the stupid things he does and if he continues then this probably won't be the first arrest. To everyone tweeting #FreeJustinBieber, you're practically condoning driving whilst intoxicated which kills thousands upon thousands of people per year. You're saying that the rich and famous shouldn't be held accountable for their actions and why? Because you think they're cute. That's ridiculous.
If you drink and drive you are saying that you have a total and utter disregard for everyone inside and outside of the car. It means you don't care if you injure people or even kill them. Just because it's Justin Bieber doesn't make this any less terrible. He committed a crime and he should be punished just like anyone else would.
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