Sunday 12 January 2014

New Zealand 2014

So one of my list items on my B425 List is to travel. I said that if I could make it to Canada, America, Australia or New Zealand I'd be happy. New Zealand is the place that I want to visit the most. I was hoping to make it to New Zealand last summer and I didn't for various reasons. Will I make it this year? Well, perhaps but I do have other travelling planned for the summer at the moment. Perhaps I could travel to New Zealand in the winter. You know, when it's winter here but warm in New Zealand. That could be fun. The only problem is that I'm absolutely terrified of air travel. I had a small but unpleasant panic attack last year on a flight to Cyprus. I managed to shut myself up by telling myself "Hey, if I die, I die but I guess there's some hope. Once we're up in the air if I still feel nervous I'll order myself a Bloody Mary..."

I'm really excited about potential travel later this year and now that I can blog from my phone you can bet I'll be taking you along too.

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