What is recommended reads? Well it's a segment where I recommend a couple of things I've seen online in the hopes that you'll enjoy them too. Hopefully it gives you something to focus on other than your raging hangover. Go drink a glass of water and read this post. Are you ready?
This is the first recommended reads of the year! Ready?
Here goes...
- Six Billion Secrets: a website where people have shared their secrets. Why not upload yours? Also, if you like Six Billion Secrets why not take a look at Post Secret. If you did something crazy to bring in the new year I'm sure both these sites want to know.
- How To Be Alone: A wonderful poem, captured as a YouTube video, by Tanya Davis. This is so affirmative and uplifting that you need to watch it today.
- 28 New Years Resolutions That People In Their 20s Should Make according to BuzzFeed
- The Cutest Things That Happened in 2013 just to remind you. Let's hope for even more cute in 2014!
- Two young artists quit their jobs and build a beautiful house out of mostly wood and glass. Read the story here. This is a perfect story of inspiration and faith that New Years Resolutions are built on.
- 22 Kickass Queer Women Who Came Out In 2013. May many more follow in their foot steps this year too.
- 14 Beauty Resolutions WORTH KEEPING in 2014
- Daily Cute - just a video of cute things to make your day.
- The 15 Dumbest Tweets Ever.
- OMG Facts, a website of fun and interesting facts.
-You're probably thinking of New Years Resolutions. Here are the most popular New Years Resolutions of 2013. What are your resolutions?
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