Tuesday 7 January 2014

"No Wasted Days"

I'm sure we all have days where we feel guilty as we realise that we could have done more with the day now behind us. I know I hate. Time goes so quickly and then we can never get it back. This is a thought that interests me. Having graduated from university I know that I put in a lot of work, but parts of me think "Why didn't I work more?"
I think it's a pretty natural response when you've invested a lot of energy and emotion into.

So I'm proposing something called the 'No Wasted Day Project'
It's a project that you take up yourself to ensure that no day goes wasted. If you feel you're currently in a rut then this seems to be the thing to get you out of it. If you can begin setting yourself little goals, as I know I've been doing with myself, you'll find yourself feeling so much better about things in no time. Make sure you get up and go to work or university or school. Pick up your old guitar and write a new song. Call someone you've not spoken to in a while and make plans. Doing these little things on a daily basis will be a source of enrichment in your life.

I'll be taking part too.
From now on every day I will take time to do something that ensures that day wasn't wasted. I'll write some more of a novel or a poem, I'll get in contact with a friend I've not spoken to for ages, I'll go for a long walk with my dog - anything. If there's a day when I'm ill or I can't do much then I shall try to even do something small like write a physical letter to a friend to send when I'm better or make notes on things I want to do for a script or story or research vegetarian recipes.

I completely urge you to do the same. As human beings we should constantly be seeking new experiences or exploring the vastness of our human conciousness and the experience that is our life.

Have a happy weekend and try to make sure to not let a day go by where you don't do something worthwhile.

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