Friday 20 December 2013

Trailers For Films I'd Like To See

Hello darlings!

As you know I love movies. I absolutely adore going to the cinema and just turning off my own thoughts and the problems in my world at that time and watching someone else for a while. Because of this I often find myself watching film trailers when I feel down. The glitz and glamour of the film world is a polished presentation of a movie that allows yo to glance into the film and get a real feel for it. I don't know why but this makes me feel a little better when I'm low. Because I watch so many film trailers I decided to do a regular segment where I recommend some films I've not seen but am interested in them from their film trailer. The idea here is that I discuss and highlight some potentially interesting films and maybe I'll watch them and maybe you'll want to watch them to.
Here are the trailers I've found for this blog:


This looks like a really laid back coming of age film about a young man who doesn't quite fit in.
Who doesn't love an underdog story? We've al felt like an outcast at one point or another. The rapport between the two male protagonists seems sweet and this feels like it could be a really refreshing and enjoyable movie.

Family Weekend 

So we go from a film about bonding to... bonding in a very different way.

This film looks like light hearted fun despite the idea that kids are holding their parents hostage in order to ameliorate their family life. It seems like a quirky movie.

Sound of my Voice

A possible cult classic in the making with emphasis on the "cult" aspect.
This film seems pretty interesting and I feel the trailer doesn't give too much away and sets the viewer up with the right amount of questions that only seeing the film can truly answer.
Good work, you got my attention.

Winter's Tale

A seemingly bittersweet love story that, like the previous film, sets the viewer up with questions so that you go to see the film in order to answer them. It looks like an interesting romance with some sort of time travel?

I don't know but I'm willing to give it a try.

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