Monday 30 December 2013

The B425 List: New Years Resolutions and achieving the things you've always wanted to...

I've noticed that a lot of people right now have been accessing and reading my blog post about my B425 List. My B425 List is a compilation of all the things that I want to do, achieve or experience before turning 25. I assume a lot of you are looking for things to add to New Years Resolutions. I highly recommend writing a list of resolutions but also writing out you own B425 list or a 30 Before 30 list. This way you ensure that you are constantly moving forward and doing the things you want to do in life which should, in theory, help you to achieve ultimate happiness. If you feel like time is passing you by and you're not happy or not having the adventures and experiences you want ask yourself, why not? 

For 2014 write your resolutions, but maybe consider writing a bigger list of aims and things you want to achieve and set yourself a time frame of five years, maybe ten years. I hope to do a new one every five years to ensure I'm getting the best out of life. I hope you can do the same.

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