Sunday 8 December 2013

Trailers For Films I'd Like To See.

Whenever I feel low I find it a comfort to head to YouTube and search for trailers for upcoming films. I hop from one to another to another. It often makes me feel better. I love getting quick glances at a movie like a passing flirtation. I decided it would be great to start sharing my finds with you. This way we can all try to access and watch a wider range of films. There are so many movies out there being made and I want to create hype and help to signal boost film projects.

Listed below you'll find a variety of film trailers from pre-existing or upcoming projects that I've found particularly interesting. These are all completely my choice based on things I've randomly stumbled across. If you have any recent movie recommendations/suggestions that you want me to check out please let me know in the comments section of this blog.


Let's be honest here, people.
This film looks awesome.
It's exciting for those of us who remember the animated Disney classic Sleeping Beauty but it seems to stand as a new and beautiful film.
It looks magical and I really can't wait to see more.

Only Lovers Left Alive

This is a massive soon to be fan favourite. With Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton playing melancholic vampire lovers this fan is sure to be a big hit.
I like to consider myself a bit of a vampire connoisseur. I check out anything to do with vampires in popular media so I can promise you that I'll be seeing this film (and not just for a brooding and shirtless Tom Hiddleston)

I, Frankenstein

I'm sure I've already mentioned this particular film but I am super excited about it. It's brought to us by the same people who made the Underworld movies and as you probably already know they are my total indulgence/guilty pleasure films. Also Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is one of my favourite novels. I'm excited to see this film. The official Twitter of the film and I actually follow each other. I guess it's a mutual love.

Mr Nobody

This seems like a promising film based on the idea that the choices we make, though they may seem small, drastically alter our entire lives and the lives of those around us. The film seems bright and beautiful from the advert.

Knights of Badassdom

This film probably has nerds everywhere trembling with excitement between Dungeons and Dragons rolls. I've never been a LARPer but as a VIP member of an online MMO I'm pretty close. This film looks relevant to my interests but also funny as Hell. Oh, and not to mention that Peter Dinklage is in it.
If Tyrion Lannister is in a movie, I'm sure as Hell gonna go see it.

Somewhere Between 

This looks like a stirring film about racial identity and heritage. The film follows four "trans-racial" adoptees that were adopted by American families from China. It seems like this isn't a fictional film and that it is a documentation of the lives of actual teens. It seems really interesting, I'll definitely try to look out a copy some time.

Heaven Is For Real

As soon as the trailer started to play I knew exactly what it was about. Instantly I remembered the story on which it is based.

It seems interesting enough that I would give it a go.

Those are my picks for now.
I'm hoping to make this a regular segment so stay tuned for more trailers and film recommendations.

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