Sunday 9 June 2013

Feel Good.

This week on Twitter Stephen Fry quite openly discussed a recent suicide attempt. Afterwards he was asking what people do to cope with their depression on a daily basis. Not too long ago I wrote a blog post on the topic of 'micro pleasures' as discussed in Gisele Scanlon's book 'The Goddess Experience' and how they can improve our moods. Today I decided to list other positive changes, all little things, that one can apply to life in order to find more happiness in daily life. These are small, basic things. There may be more personal things that you can think of that help you. If you're feeling depressed, stuck in a rut, at a loss... then I urge you to read some of the suggestions below.

- Try to get an early night more often. Ensuring you get enough sleep will ensure a healthier state of mind. Also try to make sure you don't sleep too much as this can allow you to feel sluggish and tired when awake and begins to form a rather negative cycle. In getting an early night, then try to rise early. I find a great deal of peace in simply being awake when the rest of the world around me is quiet. This allows a peaceful, calm start to your day.

- Take long walks, go on a run, walk your dog... Do something regularly that takes you outside and doing an activity where you're not speaking to someone. Sometimes the fresh air and time alone gives you time to pause and reflect whilst providing a moment of real clarity.

- Drink more water. Your body will thank you. Tea is also a good alternative. Try to cut down on soda and coffee. Such things clog the body.

- Be generous to others and try to do small acts of kindness. People will often remember such acts and hopefully be kind to you when the time is right. In putting out positive energy you will hopefully receive some in return.

- Consider a holiday. Perhaps getting away and experiencing something new will give you some perspective and make you feel a little better.

- Speaking of nutrition, focus on your diet. If you're putting crap food into your body, you'll probably feel crap as a result. Cut down on processed food, cut it out altogether if possible, and focus on getting enough plant based food into your diet. Try to cut down on gluten based products or anything starchy/full of carbs. If you'd like to know more about how to eat in a way that will totally rejuvenate your body, check out The Beauty Detox Solution.

- Exercise. You don't have to be running marathons. You simply need to do enough to maintain good physical health and to release endorphins in your body. Endorphins are chemicals created in your body that can naturally boost your mood.

- Try to keep a diary of events to keep yourself organised. Update your calendar. Make sure you don't miss anything and fill your life with events and appointments to keep yourself occupied rather than sitting around feeling bored.

- Do little things to care for yourself. Run a bath and light candles after filling that bath with bath oils or a bath bomb. Buy a nice face mask. Remind yourself that you are worth caring for.

- Contact the pleasant people in your life you've fallen out of contact with. Message them if you've thought about them simply to let them know you thought of them. Messages like that can really make someone's day. Perhaps, if you know you made their day a little better, it will make your day a little better too. Try to make plans so that you keep in touch with these people.

- Have hobbies. Also try to seek out new hobbies. I've just taken up drawing again. I'm not any good at it but I certainly find it a therapeutic way to spend my time. Always keep your mind occupied with a rotating wheel of activities in life. Head outdoors with a camera and take photos, write some poetry, do a crossword.

- Sit in the sunshine for at least 15 minutes a day if the weather permits. A little sunshine can go a long way.

- Focus on the kind of person you want to be and try to think how you could become that person. If you're not happy with who you are then seize the opportunity to change yourself.

- Consider what you want in your future. Write out all the positive things you want to have or achieve and consider how to get there. You're the best person to help get yourself these things.

If you, or someone you know, is suffering from depression try to remain strong.
If it's someone you know then try to remain supportive for them.
If you are currently experiencing depression and are in need of help here is some information for you:
Feeling lost? Contact The Samaritans
What to do if you suspect a friend of yours is suicidal
Further information on depression

You're not alone and, although depression can be horribly overwhelming, there are people who can help you. Why not speak to your doctor or a loved one about your condition?
Stay strong, blog-ghosts.

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