Friday 21 June 2013

Advice to those heading off to college/university soon.

So the summer is creeping in. After summer another flock of graduates all over the world will head off to their new institutes of learning to pursue a higher education. If this is you - congratulations! Don't forget all the work you've put in to get to this point.

Here are a few items of advice to you at this time from someone who is about to graduate.

  • You're here to work, so work. Of course that's an obvious point to make but many people forget it. Some go to university in search of the 'student experience' having been mislead so that they think of it as a time to live away from home, party and seek freedom. It is, however, a time of study and education. There are so many people in the world who would love to have the experiences that you are having so I beg you to appreciate this and to understand the privileges at your feet and do not waste this time. Absorb as much as you can, learn during this time and get as much from the experience as you can. It will be tough, but it will be rewarding. If you scraped through school beforehand, don't expect to pull that all over again. Try to sit at the front of a lecture room, listen up and take lots of notes. Try to prepare things to say in seminars/lectures and speak up. This is your time to shine and the students that shine are the ones professors remember. If they remember you, they're more likely to be on your side to support you later on.

  • University isn't easy. This is something that I discussed quite candidly in my university experience review. Half way through my time at university I wanted to quit entirely though, a year and a half later, here I stand with an upper second. I've earned myself a good degree which is so much better than just running away. Universities and colleges often have services to help you if you're struggling so don't ever be afraid to ask for help because that's not failure either. Asking for help often takes a deal of strength too. 

  • If you haven't done so already, find out how you work. What are your personal work ethics? How do you learn best? If you work best in groups, why not organise group study sessions? Find ways that will help you, and perhaps others, learn at this time. You can really tailor the university experience to your needs whilst you're learning.

  • Don't just stay in your dorm room or hide yourself away. Try to push yourself to do at least one extra curricular activity to keep you from getting lonely or going insane. Having people around you at this time will be a great help. Study, but also make time for yourself and other things in life.
  • Do interesting things in the summer breaks from college/university so your mind doesn't slump. Consider travelling, learning something new, taking up a new hobby etc.
  • Student life is tough and often leaves you with little money so try to avoid buying your academic books/text books from campus book-stores. Try looking them up in second hand book-stores or on Amazon and you can save a huge amount of money.
  • Many students feel very much alone during their first term/semester at university/college. Try to socialise, go out to events and really put yourself out there to try and meet people in this new space. Also make sure to keep in touch with the people who have been in your life longer so as not to fall out of touch with them in this new chapter of your life.
  • Even when your studies are over continue to use that brain of yours to explore the possibilities of the human conciousness. Apply what you've learned to other places in life. Find ways to harness your education and use it in the future.

College/University can be a fresh start in many ways. This is were your learning is really handed over to you and only really guided by professors and other students. Remember that you've probably got way more potential and intelligence than you think you do. Work hard and make good decisions that will get you where you want to be. You are worthy and capable of achieving academic excellence. 

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