Thursday 6 June 2013

All that glitters... a conversation with SteamRetro.

SteamRetro is a wonderful company that create beautiful items of jewellery. It started almost a year ago as a hobby, a simple passion, but is now a full business being run on popular indie site Etsy. Having recently found them this is an accessories creator I'd love to raise awareness of as I find their pieces to be beautiful and I'm sure you will too.

For those who don't know Etsy is a platform where independent traders are setting up online stores to sell their products and is full of artistic and creative items. I came across SteamRetro through Twitter and predict that I shall be buying a fair amount of jewellery from them in the not too distant future whenever I want to treat myself to something sparkly. Having recently purchased an item from them I can say that their product arrived in good time and is of excellent quality. Being a massive nerd, I bought their green leaf brooch like the ones Galadriel gave to the fellowship in the Lord of the Rings movies. It looks exactly like the ones in the film and I had a major nerdgasm when I opened the package. It was so good I immediately put in a second order from them. Though the Lord of the Rings items sell very well there should be attention brought to their more original pieces. From the moment of design and conception until the moment of creation everything is their own work. These pieces are individual, unique items.

Having grown up in Leeds during the 80s, SteamRetro designer Malcolm Sinclair was made aware of Goth fashion and describes the move to making Goth and Steampunk jewellery as a 'natural progression'.
They make everything from earrings to watches. They have original pieces and items based on famous films and book series such as Lord of The Rings or The Hunger Games.

SteamRetro were recently present at Club 666 in Madrid to sell items for World Goth Day. Anyone in the UK will be able to see SteamRetro trading at Steampunk Doncaster later this month. If only I still lived in the area! Anything that isn't sold at the festival will be up on Etsy - and from what I hear SteamRetro are away crafting at the moment and working on some new items. I'm hoping they have the possibility to branch out, to travel and sell at more events like DV8 and Whitby Goth Weekend, as this way more people will get to see and buy their products. This can only happen if they're already receiving some income from customers and sales. So if you like jewellery or are perhaps looking for a nice gift for a loved one why not look for an item at SteamRetro? Their items are beautifully crafted and are sent out in good time. I'd love to see them trading at more major events and doing well.

Go on - why not treat yourself to something sparkly to brighten up your day?

Click here to see SteamRetro and their items up for sale on Etsy!
Follow SteamRetro on Twitter!

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