Monday 16 September 2013

New Years Resolutions: A Further, Further Review.

We're already part-way through September and as Autumn rolls in we're reminded that we're getting ever closer to the end of the year and earlier this year, before my blog really became popular and before I was regularly updating it, I dumped down my New Years Resolutions right here and I decided to do a quick review of how they've gone so far. When I reviewed them previously it was, in some cases, too early to comment on any progress. Now, however, I can talk a little about the changes that have occurred for me in 2013.

The main focus of my resolutions was to buckle down and work really hard to complete my university in order to get a really good degree - and I did! I have now graduated and have a beautiful piece of paper up on the wall in my study to remind me of three years of hard work. I'm still very proud of my efforts and remember them fondly as I move into the world of work and look to the future.

My second focus was to remain healthy. I have, of course, remained a pescetarian and I've lost a little weight in a healthy, happy manner that hasn't compromised me in the slightest. This dietary decision certainly isn't something I'll be giving up any time soon.

My next focus was to find a job upon leaving university. I've found work, I had a job and now I'm looking for a position better suited to my skills and interests. So in that sense, having had a job, I suppose I can tick that one off too. I am now, however, looking for a "career" rather than just a job. I'd love to get some experience in the world of publishing or find something secretarial, perhaps even something within the world of litigation, but we'll see what lies ahead...

I then wanted to go to New Zealand. Initially I was hoping to raise the money and go this year but, what with other commitments, I'll probably push the trip back a little and go next year. That said I did manage to raise all the flight money needed for the trip and it's stashed away. I think I'll go next year when it's still winter here and will hopefully therefore be warmer in Wellington. I'm excited for the trip ahead even if 2013 won't be the year I head over.

I also stated that I wanted to finish a novel by the end of 2013. There's still much time to go and I'm obviously closer than I was in January however I'm by no means finished or even close yet. In 2013 I've also completed my first anthology of poetry and my first anthology of short stories.Whether or not they'll be published, I cannot yet say. My fingers remain firmly crossed.

Finally I said that I wanted to do more interesting things and I have been. I may not have been canyoneering or skydiving but I've gone to some cool events and I'll be having plenty of new experiences over the next few months to keep myself happy.

So all in all I'd say I've kept pretty faithful in terms of meeting my personal resolutions.
How about you?
What resolutions did you set yourself at the start of the year?
Did you keep them?
Let me know in the comments section for this post or tweet me your answers.

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