Friday 20 September 2013

Milestone: Rejection

Good news and bad news.
Yesterday I got my first ever rejection of publication. Normally this is the worst thing a writer can receive but, for me, it was not. My story was turned down because it's an experimental piece that requires a specific double page format that the website couldn't offer. I received the most wonderful apologies from the two of the publishers who lament not being able to publish my work but didn't want to compromise the layout of the story. They wanted to publish it, they looked into ways of publishing it and sadly it wasn't going to be able to be put into the rigid format that the story requires.
I know a lot of writers hate having their work rejected but this doesn't feel at all like rejection.
My work was chosen, they did what they could and I've received lovely mentions on their blog and apologies. I actually feel so positive about this as the publishers took the time to write to me and really praise my work saying how it's their loss that they will be unable to publish it. This is actually my first rejection, and knowing the publishing world, I'm sure it won't be the last. I couldn't be more thankful for how nice the experience has been. I'm waiting on word from another publishing agency about my work and hopefully they'll be able to publish it in the correct format. In the mean time I've been talking with an artist about turning the story into a one shot comic/graphic novel which I'm really excited about. Watch this space, lovelies.

1 comment:

  1. Sensible attitude :) Every no is a step to a yes, and I (and my mum, bloody hell that woman loves you)am CERTAIN you will get there <3
