Thursday 10 July 2014

My Little Shopping Spree

So I finally got around to that little shopping spree I'd mentioned lately. I'm a bit of a saver rather than a spender. Most of my wages end up in a savings fund each month so that I can put money away for the future. I don't go out and just splurge on things like I did the other day.

I stopped off at Lush Cosmetics at Liverpool Street Station and then at Primark on Oxford Street and picked up a couple of goodies from both stores. At Lush, I went in to buy my regular shampoo only to find that the price had gone up. I decided to go crazy and try their Cynthia Sylvia
Stout shampoo that contains beer and cognac. Phwoar! It's the fanciest shampoo I've ever bought.

I got a gorgeous grey sweater form Primark (pictured right) and it's so cute. I suppose I like it because it's really long and super comfy.

When I was trying it on, I liked it mainly because it looks like something a sexy wizard would wear. Basically, I'm just a fan of wizard chic. Can we make that a thing? Can that be a trend?
I got a black kimino-like thing and another thing. Basically, I'm not very good at the words associated with fashion. But yes, maybe next month I'll do a little more shopping... And maybe I'll learn the words for the items I buy.

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