Saturday 1 February 2014

Exercise Dates

So as Valentine's Day rolls ever closer I wonder why people so often pander to the same kind of date we're told are romantic. Sure, candle lit dinners and movies are fun but here's something my partner and I have enjoyed in the past: exercise dates.

Why not go to the gym with your partner and break a sweat together? Why not throw on your sensible shoes and have a playful jog, racing against each other to see who gets home first? Why not go swimming and do laps up and down the pool trying to chase your partner and grab a cheeky underwater bottom grab? It just seems like such a fun way to spend time with your partner whilst maintaining your health as a couple. This is a great one if you both had "lose weight" or "get fit" on your New Years Resolutions. It's often easier to stay healthy if you do it with another person.

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