Monday 7 April 2014

Motivational Monday: Find The Thing That Fulfils You.

As I write this my cat, Wednesday, has been curled up and sleeping on my lap for about ten minutes. That may not seem like a big deal but to me, and to her, it is. Wednesday was a rescue cat and had a very bad start in life. I've made it my personal mission over the past three years to make her feel safe and cared for. When we got her she wouldn't accept cuddles. She would rip your hands to ribbons if you tried to pick her up. The fact that she's able to sleep soundly in my lap demonstrates a high level of trust that has taken years to build up. Every time she comes over for a cuddle like this, I find myself filled with pride. Little things like this honestly make me feel that life is truly worth living. It is important to find the things in life that make us feel fulfilled, like life is worthwhile. What makes you feel proud of yourself? What makes you feel like you're doing some good?

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