Thursday 24 April 2014

So here at the home farm things have been wonderful these past 24 hours.

We recently had to give up our two cockerels because of their violent nature. They were lovely, we'd raised them since they were chicks, but we cannot have violent birds running around the garden. They also constantly humped all the other hens. We'd noticed that a few of the eggs that the hens had laid were being sat on as if to indicate that their may be something inside. We decided to leave the eggs there and let nature take course. Now, about three weeks later, this has been verified. Yesterday I came home to three newly hatched baby chicks and one that was pipping away like mad. Overnight two more came and we now have six in total, the final two eggs showing signs of pipping. I'm trying to leave the little chicks and hens to just do their thing but I'm also eagerly awaiting the next two hatching chicks. It's fascinating to go back an hour or so later to see how much progress has been made. The hatching process is a crucial development for the chick and actually takes a lot of time. Expect further updates and photos as the day goes on.

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