Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter, blog-ghosts!

Happy Easter, wonderful readers.

I hope that regardless of your religion or personal celebrations or practices on this day that it is pleasant for you. Though not wildly religious myself today has been a calm day of reading, chocolate consumption and snuggling up with this handsome little guy.

I've really enjoyed my current visit to the family home.
I've spent a lot of time catching up with my sister and being reminded of all the reasons I'm proud of her.

I've been taking this time to write a lot and I'm being incredibly strict in keeping to my own schedule.

Let me know in the comments - how have you been? How are you spending today?

Because, y'know, I'm just relaxing and sharing pictures of our cats...

Anyways I am going to continue the day with a marathon of Season Two of Game of Thrones before the start of Season Three which I am super excited for.

In fact expect Game of Thrones related fangirl blogging some time in the not too distant future.

Hope you're having a great time,

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