Tuesday 1 October 2013

31 Horror films in 31 Days Challenge

So it's October and I've come across the wonderful "31 Horror Films in 31 Days Challenge" online.

The premise is simple. For the whole month you watch one horror movie per day and tweet what it is you're watching by using the hashtag #31HorrorFilms31Days which a quick summary/review to let people know what you're watching. I'll also blog along with my reviews of different films. Do I know what I'm gonna watch yet? No, I do not. I'll keep an eye out for good films on TV and hit the still untouched B Movie horror flicks on my DVD shelf.
So expect reviews of horror films each day. They may be films I've seen or totally new surprises. If you fancy watching with me I'll try to tweet what I'll be watching that night.
Hope you join in,
Stay spooky.

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