Sunday 20 October 2013

31 Horror Films in 31 Days Challenge, Film Fourteen: Zombie Women of Satan

Let's be real honest here. I picked this film because of the title.
I know absoultely nothing about it but I recorded it because, you know, who doesn't want to watch a film called Zombie Women of Satan?

I looked up a synopsis on Rotten Tomatoes and this is what I found:

When her sister is abducted by a bizarre cult, rock singer Skye Brannigan recruits a burlesque troupe called Flesharama to help rescue her. But it won't be easy, because the malevolent Zander family has created a hungry army of sexy zombies to devour anyone who stands in their way, and as the brains get munched you'll bust a gut laughing

From the intro I'm not even sure this is a horror film... it features a character called Pervo the Clown.

This looks like it was made by a bunch of first year film students. I appreciate the schlocky B Movie style, though. I can't wait to find out why the protagonist hires a burlesque troupe to help rescue her sister rather than actual authorities.

I think I just spotted a Corsets UK corset. Oh God... a British B Movie. This is odd and amateurish. The club crowd look like the weirdos who turn up to Whitby Goth Weekend to "throw on clothes you don't usually wear and lark about for some good fun," lordy, lordy...

Some sort of terrible seizure acting...

Pervo the Clown actually looks like a friend of mine... how awkward.

*man stabs woman in head and then furiously writes down some unseen notes*

So far nothing about this film is good. It's slow, unfunny nonsense without wit or charm.
I give up. This is set up as a weird comedy. Apparently the horror sets in later. I actually give up.
I watch a lot of horror films, many of which are bad, but I don't even fancy giving this one a chance.

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