Saturday 6 July 2013

Katie Hopkins on the topic of naming.

Having recently wrapped up my education at university I find myself looking back on the experience. In my first creative writing seminar we spoke of the importance of naming, the purpose of it, how a name impacts a character. I personally love interesting and unusual names. Names serve a purpose: they separate us from those around us. They are identifiers. A unique name serves the purpose of setting you apart from everyone else. Naming is different to every parent, every person, every family, every culture. Though we may have our personal opinions on what names we like, it seems totally arbitrary to judge children by their names that, of course, they did not choose for themselves. 

You'll remember Katie Hopkins from my blog about her views on tattos on the same show. Katie Hopkins in this interview promptly suggests that the name of a child represents their class status which then has an impact on whether or not she'd allow her child to play with them. Katie is forever rude, never letting people speak and talking over them. By the end of the interview even Holly Willoughby loses her temper a little with Katie Hopkins for her total snobbery, intolerance and perpetual rudeness.

Would YOU judge someone, including children, by their name?
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Let me know in the comments or tweet me your response

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