Monday 2 March 2015

BOOK REVIEW: The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer

I've been a fan of Amanda Palmer for some time. I first became aware of her when my friend played me some Dresden Dolls songs back in high school and I've been listening to her ever since.

This book was incredibly enjoyable and empowering. As a human being and an artist it really prompted me to think about myself and to reflect inwards. Why are we so afraid to ask for things? We can ask for little things
'Can you pass me that pen?'
'Do you want to come out with us tonight?'
'Could you hold this for me?'
Asking for something bigger is harder. This book made me think of a documentary I watched called Miss Representation which openly discussed how women approach roles of power. We are so often taught to expect less, to not ask for things, to be thankful for what we have and not seek out that which is better. Women are discouraged from pursuing roles of power. If you can, I would highly recommend watching that documentary. It's on Netflix. It makes a great companion to The Art of Asking. This book serves partly as an autobiographical work that follows Amanda's career over the years whilst also offering lashings of self help, advice and pearls of wisdom. This book is so candid which makes it easy to read. The whole thing feels informal, like talking to a friend and receiving words of advice. It comes with a real warmth that is almost conversational. This book has the potential to change your life.

I started to wonder: why do I always apply for jobs I feel are appropriate for me rather than aiming higher? Why don't I ask for a promotion? Why don't I ask the people around me to help and support me as an artist? Whether you're an artist or not this is a hugely important and empowering book to read. I want all of the people in my life to read this and to learn that it's not afraid to go out into the world and just ask. What's the worst that could happen? Click on the widget below to get your own copy:

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