Thursday 9 January 2020

2020 Resolutions

Well hello there.
It's me.
I'm terrible at posting here these days and I only seem to really pop back to post and comment on my resolutions for the New Year.

Yup, that's why I'm here now. I feel like, if I publish my resolutions, they become publicly visible intentions and that holds me more accountable.

  •  Find a new job
  •  Make some minor home decorations/alterations
  •  Get a tattoo
  •  Finish a writing project
  •  Read at least 30 books, mostly classics (more on this later)
  • Take a minimum of two holidays abroad this year
As for the new job, I'm looking and trying to find one that I can really sink my teeth into this year. I'm planning some minor decorations and alterations for the house. It mostly revolves around getting new carpets and painting the walls/bannisters in the kitchen/upstairs landing. As for the tattoo, I'm booked in for my very first this coming Tuesday. My wife and I are actually booked in to get them done together. Reading 30 books may not seem like many however I'm aiming to try and read AT LEAST 30 books from a certain list. My cousin gave me a lovely 100 Book Bucket list scratch off poster. You scratch off any of the 100 Books on the poster you've read to reveal a minimalistic design representing that book. So far, I think I've only scratched off ten. So I've started reading Little Women (it wasn't actually on the poster, I just assumed it would be before opening the poster up) and I'd like to get a fair few books scratched off the poster this year. If I don't all of those unscratched, silver-foil squares will just be staring at me, mocking my lack of literary prowess. Holidays? Who knows. I currently have a few days booked off next week and toyed with the idea of a whirlwind 24 hour trip to Dublin or Brussels, somewhere cheap. That said, I doubt I'll be able to as there's other stuff to prioritise. Hoping to throw a few trips together.

I've also started doing the 1p challenge. In doing this challenge and putting away pennies, you can save over £650 in a year. On the first day of the year, you put away 1p. On Day 2 you put away 2p. January 31st you're putting away 31p. 100 days into the year you put in £1.00 and so on and so on and so on. Focusing on just putting away this small but increasing amount allows you to save up a lot without really thinking about it. Or, like me, you could be lazy and just calculate the monthly totals and put away that exact amount each month. I decided to take the thought out of it and make it a bit more straight forward. What will I do with that £650+? Not sure, but at least I'll have it. 

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