Patti Stanger has used transphobic slurs, often dismisses redheads and is pretty darn sexist. She's incredibly judgemental. She seems to think that gender is solely a binary experience and criticises women for having 'masculine energy' whilst telling them to be feminine. Stanger has told women to 'dumb it down' to appear more appealing to men. She criticises their clothes: too conservative and too racy are both apparently to be shamed. She has said some pretty offensive things about gay men, mainly that they're all sexually licentious and unable to settle down with one person. She has made comments that suggest that she doesn't think that bisexuality exists. She has made fun of clients because of their weight or personal appearance. Stanger often loses her cool and yells at her clients, digging down into word-slinging matches.
I think she, as a television personality, likes to advertise herself as a tough-love giving, hard-talking business owner however it simply exposes her to be an incredibly offensive, marginalizing person with very narrow and regressive world views. It's a shocker that anyone even uses her agency at all. Some of her views about gender are pretty old fashioned. She feels that the man should always be masculine and should take charge of planing the date even when the millionaire is female and has the cash to spend arranging a wonderful date.
Also, Patti Stanger on her show talks about how she's a third generation match maker and boasts about how great she is at her job however after almost every show almost 90% of the couples she's matched never end up together. Some never meet up again. This isn't the best advertisement for her agency as it looks like her success rate is shockingly low. From what we know of her, she can't even make a match for herself.
Here is a further list of Patti Stanger's dating theories debunked and it discusses why some of the shitty things she says simply aren't true.
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